April 9, 2013 · 0 Comments
By Jim L. Abram
Spring has sprung and for many Aurora seniors it means thoughts of badminton, bocce and ballroom, line, zumba and square dancing.
So come and get Zumbaed instead of Zombied!
Those are some of the more popular spring activities at the Aurora Seniors’ Centre. There are also fitness classes for active and not so active seniors. There is a wide variety of events, activities and programs as well as dozens of social events throughout the year.
“Seniors keeping active” reminds me of a friend I know, Harry. At the urging of Harry’s wife and doctor, 75-year-old Harry finally made it to the gym. Harry decided to try out a treadmill. “Okay,” said the trainer “I’m going to set it for ten minutes, if you want to go longer just press start again.” At first Harry was doing fine but after 5 seconds he started getting tired, and after a minute he jumped off gasping for breath. Walking to the side to sit down, he passed by a friend of his to whom he said “I lasted a full minute on that treadmill.”
“Alright alright”, said his buddy, “no reason to brag!”
“I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up”
Falling is a very serious problem for seniors. Did you know one in three seniors falls each year? Ninety percent of broken hips in seniors are the result of a fall. By the age of 75, falls are the major cause of fatal injuries. Forty percent of admissions to nursing homes are related to falls.
Why do so many seniors fall? Usually falls have more than one cause. For example, someone who slips or falls on a slippery floor may have weak leg muscles or be experiencing dizziness as a side effect of medication. You can stop a fall before it happens. Stay active to prevent falls. For more information contact York Region Health Connection at 1-800-361-5653.
News from the Woodshop
On March 25th some of the talented woodcarvers from the Aurora Seniors’ Centre made us proud at the Ontario Wood Carvers In House Competition. Sue Phillips won first place in the Novice Birds, Dave Dauphinais won third place in the Novice Birds and Fred Ash won second in Intermediate Figure and won overall Best of Show Intermediate. Congratulations to all!
York Region 55+ 2013 Summer Games
Registration forms are now available at the reception desk at our Aurora Seniors’ Centre. Please note the registration deadline of April 19. We encourage members to participate and have fun competing in the various events and activities. The Games run May 3 through to June 20 and are open to all seniors aged 55 and over. Join these Games to stay active!
Community Awards Gala
A few of us from the Aurora Seniors’ Centre attended this enjoyable evening on March 9 and we congratulate all those seniors in the community who were nominated and those that received awards as well. The entertainment was tremendous as the Evergreen Choir performed at its very best to the appreciation of all who attended.
Our choir’s performance included nine songs under the direction of choir music Director Dr. Richard Heinzle and accompanist Hadara Jacoby. We certainly appreciate the many hours of rehearsal time the Choir members spend to perform at Community events like this.
A Choral Celebration
A Choral celebration is scheduled for Saturday, April 27 at 6.30 pm at the Aurora United Church in recognition of Aurora’s 150th Anniversary. There will be seven participating choirs. Tickets are only $15 and are available from participating choirs, CHATS and at the Aurora Seniors’ Centre. Don’t miss this opportunity for a great live concert.
Night of Dixie and Mardi Gras
Sylvia reported on this event last week but I think it deserves mention again. Come to the Centre and have a fun and enjoyable evening in celebration of Dixie and Mardi Gras on Friday, April 12. A Cajun Jambalaya dinner will be served and a cash bar hosted. To keep you in the party spirit, the Jambalaya Dixieland Jazz Band will be playing for your enjoyment. Lots of music and dancing until 10.30 pm. Experience jazz music, beads, masks and costumes, tantalizing food and entertainment in the New Orleans style as we celebrate Mardi Gras! Come dressed for the occasion in the colours of Mardi Gras (gold, green and purple).
Southlake Walk/Run for Cancer Research
Our Seniors Walking Club will be participating in this worthy event. You can pledge your support by donating to their team with all proceeds being donated to Southlake Hospital. A donation jar has been placed on the reception desk at our Aurora Seniors’ Centre.
Today’s advice: Stay active to stay alert and enjoy life!
For more information on the Aurora Seniors’ Centre and all it has to offer, drop by 90 John West Way, visit the web site www.auroraseniors.ca, email auroraseniors@rogers.com or call 905-726-4767 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday to Friday.