
Prudent to move on St. John’s interchange: resident

July 11, 2019   ·   0 Comments

It appears that York Region Council is now favouring three new provincial highway links far separated from the heart of Aurora.

But a new St John’s Sideroad and Highway 404 interchange had been considered important earlier. However, there is no indication it’s classed as a priority project currently.

Due to a lack of good east-west collector road alternatives, east and west travel in Aurora is mostly restricted to Wellington Street along with St John’s Sideroad to the north or Bloomington Road to the south. But the GO Train tracks on Wellington Street are currently a level crossing with drop gates and red wig-wag flashers.

Once again there has been plans of a grade separation there where car traffic goes underneath the train tracks.  It would become a lengthy restrictive project.

In consideration of the possible alternative routes for Aurora area traffic it might be prudent to have the new St. John’s Sideroad and Highway 404 interchange built and functioning prior to any beginning of the Wellington Street and GO Train track grade separation.

The rush hour traffic would be seriously challenged for months on end by a lack of good alternative routes without the extra interchange.  Possibly the planners are already considering what may be at stake.

Mike Gough



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