
Resident impressed with Remembrance Day ceremonies

November 19, 2014   ·   0 Comments

As a 36-year member of the Royal Canadian Legion, I have always been proud to tell people that I am a member.
Last Sunday, at the Cenotaph in Aurora I was even prouder. The turn-out was amazing and the presentation was great.
We had six people in WW1 uniforms on horseback and jeeps from WW2. The parade was excellent and folks who attended, young and old, were proud to be there and they knew how much our veterans had given and the sacrifice that so many men and women had given.
There are so many ways to say thank you to these brave people.
One way would be to join the Legion. This would truly tell these heroes that we respect them.
For the small membership fee, it helps so many and allows you to go to any Legion in Canada. As a person who travels across Canada I always appreciate Legions as a place to go for a drink, food and friendship.
Out of Town Legions always welcome you with open arms.
The other wonderful news this past week was the number of Poppies that were sold. I sold them at the LCBO on Yonge Street and so many people told me to thank the Veterans for what they did for Canada.
This was the first time ever that I sold out of the Poppies and the cash box was overflowing. The residents of Aurora really came through.

Nigel Kean



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