
A word for John A.

February 21, 2019   ·   0 Comments

I just want to say I enjoyed your editorial (Brock’s Banter) in the February 7 issue.
I always enjoy your editorials and relate to the majority of them.
I, as well as you, was not familiar with Viola Desmond until 2016 when her name was put forward to replace the first Prime Minister and the Father of our country Canada, Sir John A. Macdonald, on our ten dollar bill.
Although I have all the respect in the world for Ms. Desmond and am proud of her action and related feats, I am bewildered how she should replace someone as revered as John A.
Not for a second am I saying she should not be portrayed on our money, but I am saying she should not replace Macdonald.
Sure, Macdonald had his faults and as we look back he did things we think aberrant in today’s world but it was the normal thinking back then.
It would be instilled in him from childhood. He was not some tyrant or dictator but one man in a legislature of many of which all had a vote as did he.
I am proud of Sir John A. Macdonald for his achievements not the least of was the building of a railroad system from coast to coast. The bringing together of the French and the English in Upper and Lower Canada. Today’s government can’t even get a pipe line through a couple of provinces.
I have never been prejudiced. I was raised in a very protestant, Orange Lodge, family but some of my best friends were and are Roman Catholics. Some of my best friends were and are black and brown skinned people.
I don’t care where people are from but if they choose Canada as their new country it’s because Canada is one of the best in the world so don’t try to change it to what you left.

John H. Archibald
New Tecumseth



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