July 2, 2014 · 0 Comments
Photos by David Falconer
Aurorans turned out in droves, braving uncertain weather to celebrate Canada’s 147th birthday in Canada’s Birthday Town! Some got wet, but it failed to dampen their spirits as Aurora’s Canada Day parade, using various modes of transportation, above, wound its way from Orchard Heights Drive to Murray Drive.
The Canada Day Parade was led by John Webster, Aurora’s Official Town Crier, and his wife, Mary.
They were followed by a splash of ceremony, courtesy of the Royal Canadian Legion’s Colour Guard.
Smiles and waves from the Governor General’s Horse Guards.
It was A Hard Knock Life for these performers from Marquee Theatrical Productions, giving a sneak peek at their upcoming production of Annie.
Performers of a traditional Chinese lion dance brought an extra dash of excitement to the proceedings…
…as did the York Lions Steel Band!
The First Nations presentation is always a big hit in the parade.
Beverley Wood, Aurora’s 2014 Citizen of the Year, was driven in style.
Mayor Geoffrey Dawe, along with Councillors Paul Pirri and Sandra Humfyes, greeted crowds from their horse-drawn cart. Also aboard were Councillors John Abel and Michael Thompson, with Evelyn Buck following in a golf cart.
Newmarket-Aurora MP Lois Brown was accompanied by a group of patriotic Canadians!
Paul and Eric were among those flying the flag for the Aurora Chamber of Commerce.
Local Shriners got into the groove.