January 30, 2025 · 0 Comments
Input gathered from the community on the future of Fleury Park is being taken into consideration by Town Staff following a public information session last week, but comments and suggestions are still being sought by the municipality.
Held on January 14, the meeting presented a refreshed vision for Fleury Park, a busy green space located on the south side of the Aurora Community Centre.
A number of additions to the park are being considered, including a brand-new playground to be located near the existing washroom building for easier access from the parking lot, a new shade structure and pedestrian plaza, public art and, perhaps most prominently, an eight-court pickleball facility.
“In the 2023 Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP) extensive community engagement outlined that Pickleball service levels in Town were not meeting the needs of the community,” says the Town. “Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in North America, the PRMP recommended a pickleball complex be developed to meet this service need. In 2023, the Recreation Division dedicated specific times on existing tennis courts for pickleball as a trial. This was an interim measure to gauge interest, receive feedback and fill a need for pickleball until additional dedicated space was constructed. This was well received and adopted once again in 2024 season.
“With Fleury Park being centralized within the Town and with an opportunity to look at Fleury Park as the existing amenities were up for renewal, staff suggested Fleury Park may be an ideal location for additional pickleball due to the size of the park and footprint required for a pickleball court facility.”
As the information-gathering process continues – with comments being received at engageaurora.ca/fleuryparkrenovation – municipal staff hope to gauge interest in the proposed facility “to help shape the concept planning.”
Any art that is part of the future will be guided by the Town’s upcoming Public Art Policy that staff say will be presented to Council in March or April.
“The [timeline to complete Fleury Park renovations] is still being determined. Once we’ve heard from the public through our online and in-person engagement opportunities, we will review the feedback and the approved budget to determine what can be incorporated into the design. Once a design is finalized, the Town will put out an RFP which, once awarded will include a construction schedule.”
By Brock Weir